ghost stories

Private presentation in the context of my show Ghost Stories of the shattered grave monument inscriptions from the tomb of Isak and Theresia von Hofmannsthal to a large group of their descendants The tomb was ransacked during the NS period For many years Christian and I have been working on the restoration of this and other desecrated family gravesites in the Jewish Cemetery in Währing (an outer district of Vienna) with the goal of eventually returning these to the monument, which until recently was also in pieces on the ground; our efforts resulted in its reassembly in 2017—how the inscription panels (which we have pieced together over time) can now be secured to it remains an open question that was discussed at length here by the family

ghost stories

Private presentation in the context of my show Ghost Stories of the shattered grave monument inscriptions from the tomb of Isak and Theresia von Hofmannsthal to a large group of their descendants The tomb was ransacked during the NS period For many years Christian and I have been working on the restoration of this and other desecrated family gravesites in the Jewish Cemetery in Währing (an outer district of Vienna) with the goal of eventually returning these to the monument, which until recently was also in pieces on the ground; our efforts resulted in its reassembly in 2017—how the inscription panels (which we have pieced together over time) can now be secured to it remains an open question that was discussed at length here by the family The beautiful text reads:
Kais. Königl. privileg. Grosshändler seit 1794./Vorsteher u. Repräsent. der Israelit. Gemeinde seit 1806./Inventur- und Schätzungs-Commissär seit 1801./Armen-Bezirks-Director d. Pfarre am Hof seit 1820./Wirkte er als Mensch und Staatsbürger unter 6 Regenten/Und wurde seiner vielen Verdienste wegen vom/Kaiser Ferdinand dem Gütigen/im Jahre 1835 in den Adelsstand erhoben./Ihm folgte seine treue Gattin nach 61 jähriger Ehe,/Mutter von Kindern, 4 Monate nach dessen Tode/Sie sind nun für immer vereint
Imperial and Royally Privileged Wholesaler since 1791./Provost and Representative of the Israelite Community since 1806./Inventory and Appraisal Commissioner since 1801./Director of the Poorhouse for the Parish am Hof since 1820./He brought his influence to bear as Mensch and as Citizen under 6 Regents/And for his many merits was raised/By Emperor Ferdinand the Kindhearted/In the year 1835 to the nobility./After 61 years of marriage he was followed in death by his loyal wife,/mother of their children, 4 months after his passing/They are now joined together for eternity

ghost stories

ghost stories

ghost stories

ghost stories

ghost stories

ghost stories

ghost stories

Apparition (nos. 1 + 2), Memory Loop (nos. 1 + 2), with Lock in background and Daily Bread at far right

ghost stories

M.H., 2010; Untitled (Ten Years of Checks), 2014; Untitled (Floorboards), 2015 (installation view)